Public consultation on budget setting - launches today
A public consultation on the Council's budget will launch later this afternoon.
It will offer a chance for people to have their say in light of the financial emergency, which was called in November.
It's open to all, and we are encouraging our Somerset communities, residents, businesses, stakeholders, and partners to take part.
The consultation highlights several discretionary services which could be redesigned, reduced, or even stopped.
It goes live from today (11 December) and will close on 22 January.
The link can be found at:
It can also be completed in libraries and council offices across Somerset.
Financial Emergency
The in-year overspend for 2023/24 is £27m.
The projected budget gap for 2024/25 is £100m.
To close the gap and balance the budget next year a series of service reductions, efficiency savings, and increases to fees and charges, including Council Tax, will need to be considered.
It is clear that this alone will not close the budget gap.
Plans to fundamentally change the council's systems and processes to streamline its operations will need to speed up to reduce the size of the council in future.