Rudge Lane


Mendip DC Planning Portal

Details of all Planning Applications in the Parish of Beckington can be found via the Mendip District Council Planning Portal. Details of an application listed on this page can be found on the planning portal by clicking the application reference number.

Planning Applications

When the Parish Council receives a tree or planning applications the Planning & Development Portfolio holder examines the application and makes a recommendation to the next meeting of the Parish Council. Residents are also invited to give an opinion at the meeting.

Most Planning applications are dealt with at formal Council meetings, however there are exceptions, if the deadline (that Mendip District Council gives) to respond to the application is before the next due meeting then the Parish Clerk has delegated powers to respond to the application on behalf of the Council, this is done in consultation with the Chairman and the Planning and Development Portfolio holder. The same prosses may also be used for simple applications, thus meaning they don't go to a formal meeting of Council.

If you would like to express an opinion on an application that is not due to go to the Council, please contact the Planning and Development Portfolio holder (See Members page).

This page is dedicated to tree & planning applications that have been lodged with Mendip District Council. It is important to be aware that the Parish Council are a consultee during the planning process and as such can only provide guidance to the Mendip District Council planning officers.

Planning Applications - 2021

Received at the meeting on 09 Nov 2021

2021/2416/APP - Approval of details reserved by condition 5 (Parking Area) on planning consent 2021/0868/FUL

Land At 379803 152200 Bath Road Beckington Frome Somerset, 21 Oct 2021

Related Applications: 2021/0868/FUL, 2021/2565/NMA

Parish Council recommendation: Leave to Planning Officer

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 10 Dec 2021)

2021/2404/FUL - Internal and external alterations

2 Mount Pleasant Bath Road Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6SZ, 20 Oct 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 14 Jan 2022)

Received at the meeting on 12 Oct 2021

2021/2003/TCA - Yew Tree reduce height by up to 1.5 m and reshape sides Ginkgo tree reduce height to previous reduction points approx by 5m

Wool House Castle Corner Beckington BA11 6TA, 13 Sep 2021

Parish Council recommendation: Leave to Tree Officer

Mendip District Council Decision: TCA Approval (decided on 21 Oct 2021)

Received at the meeting on 13 Jul 2021

2021/1515/TCA - T1 - Magnolia - Reduce by 1m. T2 - Birch Reduce by 4-5m.T3 - Hazel - Reduce by 1-2m remove 3x thicker limbs.

8 Frome Road Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6TD, 02 Jul 2021

Parish Council recommendation: Leave to Tree Officer

Mendip District Council Decision: TPO Not Required (No Objection) (decided on 11 Aug 2021)

Received at the meeting on 08 Jun 2021

2021/1074/HSE - Erection of front gable end. Create new window openings to side elevation and 1No window to the rear elevation. Erection of front porch.

16 Rylands Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6SD, 27 May 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 29 Jul 2021)

Received at the meeting on 29 Apr 2021

2021/0700/CLE - Application for a certificate of lawful existing use of annex approved under 110624/000 as independent dwellinghouse (C3).

The Loft Mount Pleasant Bath Road Beckington Frome, 08 Apr 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Development is Lawful (decided on 07 May 2021)

2021/0686/HSE - Erection of annexe & erection of home office & gym building

Tower Hill Barn Mill Lane Beckington Frome Somerset, 07 Apr 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection - With Conditions

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 22 Jun 2021)

Received at the meeting on 09 Feb 2021

2021/0159/HSE - Erection of porch, two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, and vehicular access.

12 Sandy View Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6TR, 29 Jan 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval with Conditions (decided on 12 Mar 2021)

2021/0077/LBC - Fitting of new conservation rooflight to kitchen roof

3 Church Hill Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6TJ, 25 Jan 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 21 Apr 2021)

2021/0172/FUL - Change of use of land for the use as recreational overnight camping.

Land At 382765 151543 Rudge Lane Rudge Somerset, 23 Jan 2021

Parish Council recommendation: Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Withdrawn (decided on 07 May 2021)

2021/0134/TPO - M1091 group - Corsican Pine - Remove Dead Wood Sycamore - Remove Large Dead Wood Corsican Pine - Remove deadwood, remove 2 lowest and smallest diameter scaffold limbs and install support cable Corsican Pine - Remove large deadwood and install support ca

3 The Weavers Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6SA, 23 Jan 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval with Conditions (decided on 24 Mar 2021)

2021/0140/TCA - T1 - Norway Maple - reduce the trunkated stems approx 3 - 4 metres below the oringinal pruning cuts. T2 Norway Maple on rear boundary, Reduce 3 long lateral branches over the neighbours garden by up to 3 metres and remove the long low branch over garden. Prune branhces away from electricty line. T3 Sycamore growing next to electricty pole and cable. Fell tree as it is too close to the cables and pole.

17 Church Street Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6TG, 22 Jan 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: TPO Not Required (No Objection) (decided on 05 Mar 2021)

Received at the meeting on 12 Jan 2021

2021/0022/VRC - Application to vary condition 3 (external materials) of planning approval 2016/2652/HSE (Replacement of existing two storey lean-to extension with new two storey extension, replacement of existing outbuildings/garages adjacent to house with new single storey extension, removal of the existing single storey glazed porch on the rear elevation of the existing house and modifications to the fenestration on the rear (North) elevation. Replacement of existing, single glazed, timber framed windows to the front (South) elevation of the existing house with double glazed windows and the addition of 2no. rooflights in the North facing side of the existing pitched roof)

1 Goose Street Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6SS, 06 Jan 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 24 Feb 2021)

Parish Clerk Decision

2021/0733/HSE - Erection of rear split level ground floor with mezzanine floor extension.

2 Green Park Lane Cottages Green Park Lane Beckington Frome Somerset, 09 Jun 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 09 Jul 2021)

2021/1141/HSE - Proposed alterations, addition creating additional living space, new entrance/drive access and sewage treatment plant

Palmers Farm Rudge Lane Standerwick Frome Somerset, 02 Jun 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 15 Jul 2021)

2021/0881/FUL - Erection of rainwater harvesting canopy

Ivy House Farm Berkley Lane Beckington Frome Somerset, 17 May 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 01 Jul 2021)

2021/1117/TCA - Leylandii (L) - Row of approx 14 trees forming a hedge. Reduce height by 4m and reduce face where overhanging road by 1.5m(retaining foliar growth). Crown lift where overhanging road to 4.5m.

The Woolpack Inn 2 Warminster Road Beckington Frome Somerset, 17 May 2021

Parish Council recommendation: Leave to Tree Officer

Mendip District Council Decision: TPO Not Required (No Objection) (decided on 30 Jun 2021)

2021/0928/TCA - T1 - Beech - Remove the long lateral branch, crown lift small branches, remove 2 rubbing crossing branches over house, reduce branch over neighbours summer house by 3 metres and reduce 2 long low laterals over the paddock by 3 metres

13 Bath Road Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6SW, 26 Apr 2021

Parish Council recommendation: Leave to Tree Officer

Mendip District Council Decision: TPO Not Required (No Objection) (decided on 30 Jun 2021)

2021/0452/VRC - Application to vary condition 3 (European Protected Species Mitigation Licence) of planning approval 2020/1341/HSE (Erection of a single storey extension and alterations).

5 Goose Street Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6SS, 09 Mar 2021

Parish Council recommendation: Leave to Planning Officer

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 05 May 2021)

2021/0076/HSE - Fitting of new conservation rooflight to kitchen roof.

3 Church Hill Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6TJ, 09 Mar 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 21 Apr 2021)

2021/0271/FUL - Erection of rainwater harvesting canopy.

vy House Farm Berkley Lane Beckington Frome Somerset, 17 Feb 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 13 Apr 2021)

2021/0255/LBC - Installation of internal lift

18 Church Hill Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6TJ, 09 Feb 2021

Parish Council recommendation: No Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval (decided on 31 Mar 2021)

Mendip DC Planning Portal

Details of all Planning Applications in the Parish of Beckington can be found via the Mendip District Council Planning Portal. Details of an application listed on this page can be found on the planning portal by clicking the application reference number.

Planning Applications

When the Parish Council receives a tree or planning applications the Planning & Development Portfolio holder examines the application and makes a recommendation to the next meeting of the Parish Council. Residents are also invited to give an opinion at the meeting.

Most Planning applications are dealt with at formal Council meetings, however there are exceptions, if the deadline (that Mendip District Council gives) to respond to the application is before the next due meeting then the Parish Clerk has delegated powers to respond to the application on behalf of the Council, this is done in consultation with the Chairman and the Planning and Development Portfolio holder. The same prosses may also be used for simple applications, thus meaning they don't go to a formal meeting of Council.

If you would like to express an opinion on an application that is not due to go to the Council, please contact the Planning and Development Portfolio holder (See Members page).