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Mendip DC Planning Portal

Details of all Planning Applications in the Parish of Beckington can be found via the Mendip District Council Planning Portal. Details of an application listed on this page can be found on the planning portal by clicking the application reference number.

Planning Applications

When the Parish Council receives a tree or planning applications the Planning & Development Portfolio holder examines the application and makes a recommendation to the next meeting of the Parish Council. Residents are also invited to give an opinion at the meeting.

Most Planning applications are dealt with at formal Council meetings, however there are exceptions, if the deadline (that Mendip District Council gives) to respond to the application is before the next due meeting then the Parish Clerk has delegated powers to respond to the application on behalf of the Council, this is done in consultation with the Chairman and the Planning and Development Portfolio holder. The same prosses may also be used for simple applications, thus meaning they don't go to a formal meeting of Council.

If you would like to express an opinion on an application that is not due to go to the Council, please contact the Planning and Development Portfolio holder (See Members page).

This page is dedicated to tree & planning applications that have been lodged with Mendip District Council. It is important to be aware that the Parish Council are a consultee during the planning process and as such can only provide guidance to the Mendip District Council planning officers.

Planning Applications - 2017

Received at the meeting on 12 Dec 2017

2017/3047/HSE - Proposed conversion of garage to dining room and store, with new openings on side elevation (ground floor only).

68A Goose Street, 24 Nov 2017

Parish Council recommendation: Approval

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval with Conditions (decided on 05 Jan 2018)

2017/2991/HSE - Erection of detached outbuilding providing double garage, office/store in attic space and lean-to side garden store

Eden Vale Cottage, 23 Nov 2017

Parish Council recommendation: Approval (Subject to drainage and land regulations)

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval with Conditions (decided on 17 Oct 2018)

2017/3062/LBC - Single storey and gable wing extension with associated alterations and other enhancements to rear.

21 Castle Corner, 21 Nov 2017

Related Applications: 2017/3060/HSE

Parish Council recommendation: Approval subject to listed building requirements being met

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval with Conditions (decided on 05 Jan 2018)

2017/3060/HSE - Single storey and gable wing extension with associated alterations and other enhancements to rear.

21 Castle Corner, 21 Nov 2017

Related Applications: 2017/3062/LBC

Parish Council recommendation: Approval subject to listed building requirements being met.

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval with Conditions (decided on 05 Jan 2018)

Received at the meeting on 14 Nov 2017

2017/0818/FUL - Erection of car dealership; a co-working hub and 5 No. employment starter units (Class B1/B8); and associated access and landscaping works. (Additional drainage strategy info. received 8/5/17; additional highway info, amended description and amended plans received 5/6/17; Noise Impact Assessment received 8/6/17; Amended description, application form, plans and supporting information received 8/11/17).

Land north of Bath Road, Beckington, 09 Nov 2017

Parish Council recommendation: Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Refusal (decided on 05 Jan 2018)

2017/2816/FUL - Erection of 8 dwellings and associated works to replace extant planning permission 2013/2008.

Land To The Rear Of 10 Warminster Road Beckington Frome, 20 Oct 2017

Mendip District Council Decision: Approval with Conditions (decided on 09 May 2018)

Received at the meeting on 16 May 2017

2017/0818/FUL - Mixed use development including 5 employment starter units; erection of car dealership; a co-working hub and associated works

Land north of Bath Road, 01 May 2017

Parish Council recommendation: Objection

Mendip District Council Decision: Refusal (decided on 05 Jan 2018)

Mendip DC Planning Portal

Details of all Planning Applications in the Parish of Beckington can be found via the Mendip District Council Planning Portal. Details of an application listed on this page can be found on the planning portal by clicking the application reference number.

Planning Applications

When the Parish Council receives a tree or planning applications the Planning & Development Portfolio holder examines the application and makes a recommendation to the next meeting of the Parish Council. Residents are also invited to give an opinion at the meeting.

Most Planning applications are dealt with at formal Council meetings, however there are exceptions, if the deadline (that Mendip District Council gives) to respond to the application is before the next due meeting then the Parish Clerk has delegated powers to respond to the application on behalf of the Council, this is done in consultation with the Chairman and the Planning and Development Portfolio holder. The same prosses may also be used for simple applications, thus meaning they don't go to a formal meeting of Council.

If you would like to express an opinion on an application that is not due to go to the Council, please contact the Planning and Development Portfolio holder (See Members page).