Church Street

Beckington First School

Church Hill


Parish News Archive - 2018

Foster a Grit Bin....

At the start of October the Parish Council purchased five new grit bins, these have now been delivered and will be installed over the coming...

Would You Like to Undertake Community Connector Training?

Members of the Parish Council have agreed to under take training to better equip them to be able to deal with parishioners' enquiries with regards...

October Press Release

Bus Shelters:

The project to install two bus shelters to both bus stops on Bath Road has been delayed by the normal nonsense of council bureaucracy....

September Press Release

Parish Allotments:

As reported last month, the first meeting of potential allotment holders has taken place. If you thought your name was on...

August Press Release

Annual Donations to Local Charities:

Every year the Parish Council makes some small donations to local charities that provide a service to the...

Residents have until July 1st 2018 to put there name forwards to have one of the new allotments.

The deadline for Residents of Beckington to put their name forwards for an allotment on the David Wilson Homes development is 1st July 2018


Date Set For Redrow II Appeal

Application Number 2017/0278/FUL

17th May 2018

Dear Sir/Madam

Inspectorate Ref: APP/Q3305/W/17/3187245

Appeal Proposal: Erection of 28 dwellings...

June Press Release

Parish Council Looking for a Handyman:

The Village Pump in Church Street in under the guardianship of the Parish Council. The Pump has got a...

May Press Release

Chairman Re-elected:

At the Annual Council Meeting on May 8th, Councillor Mark Wilson was re-elected as Parish Council Chairman for 2018/19,...

Parish Council News for August:

Annual Donations to Local Charities:

Every year the Parish Council makes some small donations to local charities that provide a service to the Parish. This year the recipients are: • Citizens Advice Bureau (Frome) - £75 • Mendip Community Transport - £75 • Somerset Air Ambulance - £100

Grateful Council Says Thank You:

The Parish Council has sent a formal letter of thanks to who have sponsored the refitting of the noticeboard in Rudge. are a local online company based in Rudge providing internet home shopping within the local area. Following a verbal request for help from the Council's Rudge rep Cllr Wright, immediately offered to provide the sponsorship for the full cost of the noticeboard renovations. The noticeboard has now been restored to its former glory.

Parish Allotments & Village Pump:

The Parish Council is still waiting to take ownership of the allotments land and car park from David Wilson Homes. A meeting has been called of all people that have expressed an interest. The Council is also still keen to hear from anyone that would be interested in providing the Council with a tender for the renovation of the Beckington Village Pump (See last months newsletter for full details or email:

Parish Grit Bins:

While the temperatures have been soaring, one Councillors thoughts have been turning to snow and ice. Cllr Bishop has been surveying the Parishes grit bins and will be bringing his proposals for extra ones to the next Parish Council meeting in September. Once in place the new bins will be registered with the County Council so hopefully, they will be filled up throughout the winter.

Community Grant Money:

The grants pot is still open to new applications. The Council has made a record amount of Money available this year to support local organisations. The application form and rules can be found on the website (, the form is not particularly onerous to fill in.

County Councillor Returns to Work:

The County Councillor for the Parish of Beckington has made a very welcome return to work after a six-month sabbatical. Councillor Linda Oliver was granted the time off by the County Council for personal reasons at the start of the year. Since her return to the role at the start of July, she has already held a meeting the Parish Council's Chairman, Mark Wilson, to get herself up to speed with what's been happening and to find out what the priorities of the Parish Council are and how she maybe able to help.

Parish News Archive - 2018

Foster a Grit Bin....

At the start of October the Parish Council purchased five new grit bins, these have now been delivered and will be installed over the coming...

Would You Like to Undertake Community Connector Training?

Members of the Parish Council have agreed to under take training to better equip them to be able to deal with parishioners' enquiries with regards...

October Press Release

Bus Shelters:

The project to install two bus shelters to both bus stops on Bath Road has been delayed by the normal nonsense of council bureaucracy....

September Press Release

Parish Allotments:

As reported last month, the first meeting of potential allotment holders has taken place. If you thought your name was on...

August Press Release

Annual Donations to Local Charities:

Every year the Parish Council makes some small donations to local charities that provide a service to the...

Residents have until July 1st 2018 to put there name forwards to have one of the new allotments.

The deadline for Residents of Beckington to put their name forwards for an allotment on the David Wilson Homes development is 1st July 2018


Date Set For Redrow II Appeal

Application Number 2017/0278/FUL

17th May 2018

Dear Sir/Madam

Inspectorate Ref: APP/Q3305/W/17/3187245

Appeal Proposal: Erection of 28 dwellings...

June Press Release

Parish Council Looking for a Handyman:

The Village Pump in Church Street in under the guardianship of the Parish Council. The Pump has got a...

May Press Release

Chairman Re-elected:

At the Annual Council Meeting on May 8th, Councillor Mark Wilson was re-elected as Parish Council Chairman for 2018/19,...