St Lukes Surgery

St Lukes Road


Parish News Archive - 2018

Foster a Grit Bin....

At the start of October the Parish Council purchased five new grit bins, these have now been delivered and will be installed over the coming...

Would You Like to Undertake Community Connector Training?

Members of the Parish Council have agreed to under take training to better equip them to be able to deal with parishioners' enquiries with regards...

October Press Release

Bus Shelters:

The project to install two bus shelters to both bus stops on Bath Road has been delayed by the normal nonsense of council bureaucracy....

September Press Release

Parish Allotments:

As reported last month, the first meeting of potential allotment holders has taken place. If you thought your name was on...

August Press Release

Annual Donations to Local Charities:

Every year the Parish Council makes some small donations to local charities that provide a service to the...

Residents have until July 1st 2018 to put there name forwards to have one of the new allotments.

The deadline for Residents of Beckington to put their name forwards for an allotment on the David Wilson Homes development is 1st July 2018


Date Set For Redrow II Appeal

Application Number 2017/0278/FUL

17th May 2018

Dear Sir/Madam

Inspectorate Ref: APP/Q3305/W/17/3187245

Appeal Proposal: Erection of 28 dwellings...

June Press Release

Parish Council Looking for a Handyman:

The Village Pump in Church Street in under the guardianship of the Parish Council. The Pump has got a...

May Press Release

Chairman Re-elected:

At the Annual Council Meeting on May 8th, Councillor Mark Wilson was re-elected as Parish Council Chairman for 2018/19,...

Grit Bin Champions Needed...

At the start of October the Parish Council purchased five new grit bins, these have now been delivered and will be installed over the coming month.

However, as part of the budget cuts at Somerset County Council, they announced at the end of October that they would no longer be filling up the grit bins this winter.

The Parish Council has a small amount of grit stock that will be going into the new bins, beyond that the Parish has no way of keeping the bins full throughout the winter.

One idea that has come forward is that each grit bin is fostered by a family / person, this family would then keep the bin full all winter by keeping spare grit in their shed / garage and topping up the bin if necessary.

The Parish Council would pay for the git by way of reimbursement at the end of the winter, a small bursary would also be offered to the foster family.

The foster family should name the bin and treat it as one of the family, read it books, send it to school, cook it Christmas dinner - Or at the very least, keep it full of grit!

The locations of the grit bins requiring a foster family in Beckington are;

• The Corner of Sandy Lane and Warminster Road

• Church Hill (by St Georges gate)

• Frome Road (above Stubbs Lane)

• Bath Road (below Mill Lane)

• Goose Street (location to be agreed)

and in Rudge;

• Rudge Hill, Near Scotland Lane

• Full Moon (near to).

If you would be interested in taking on a grit bin (they dont bite it you handle them correctly) and giving it a loving home, please contact the Parish Clerk

Parish News Archive - 2018

Foster a Grit Bin....

At the start of October the Parish Council purchased five new grit bins, these have now been delivered and will be installed over the coming...

Would You Like to Undertake Community Connector Training?

Members of the Parish Council have agreed to under take training to better equip them to be able to deal with parishioners' enquiries with regards...

October Press Release

Bus Shelters:

The project to install two bus shelters to both bus stops on Bath Road has been delayed by the normal nonsense of council bureaucracy....

September Press Release

Parish Allotments:

As reported last month, the first meeting of potential allotment holders has taken place. If you thought your name was on...

August Press Release

Annual Donations to Local Charities:

Every year the Parish Council makes some small donations to local charities that provide a service to the...

Residents have until July 1st 2018 to put there name forwards to have one of the new allotments.

The deadline for Residents of Beckington to put their name forwards for an allotment on the David Wilson Homes development is 1st July 2018


Date Set For Redrow II Appeal

Application Number 2017/0278/FUL

17th May 2018

Dear Sir/Madam

Inspectorate Ref: APP/Q3305/W/17/3187245

Appeal Proposal: Erection of 28 dwellings...

June Press Release

Parish Council Looking for a Handyman:

The Village Pump in Church Street in under the guardianship of the Parish Council. The Pump has got a...

May Press Release

Chairman Re-elected:

At the Annual Council Meeting on May 8th, Councillor Mark Wilson was re-elected as Parish Council Chairman for 2018/19,...