Parish Council News for January 2019
Grants to Local Organisations:
At its January meeting the Parish Council was pleased to once again be able to support the Memorial Hall committee by the giving of a £400 grant to pay for the cutting of the grass in the play park.
The Parish Council still has some money left in its grants pot and welcomes applications from local groups. The deadline to apply to the 2018/19 grants pot is February the 28th - Full details can be found on the Parish Council website.
Grit Bin Monitors Needed:
As already reported, five new grit bins have been purchased by the Parish Council, these have now been installed within the Parish. The Parish Council is looking for residents willing to monitor the grit in their local bin and if its running low, inform the Parish Clerk. One of the volunteer councillors will then get some bags of grit out to you ASAP. The locations of the grit bins requiring a monitor in Beckington are; • The Corner of Sandy Lane and Warminster Road • Church Hill (by St Georges gate) • Frome Road (Above Stubbs Lane) • Bath Road (Below Mill Lane) • Goose Street and in Rudge are; • Rudge Hill (Near Scotland Lane) • Full Moon (near to). If you would be interested in helping, please contact the Parish Clerk
New Dog Bins:
Eight new dog bins have now been installed across the Parish. By the end of January, they should all be being emptied weekly by Mendip District Council - Please report them to MDC if not.
District and Parish Council Elections - May 2019:
Local elections will be held to the District and Parish Council on 2nd May 2019 - Please see the Mendip District Council website for more information on what is expected of a District Councillor or the Somerset Association of Local Councils website for information on Parish Councillors. Full details on how to stand for election to either Council will be published on Parish and District websites nearer the time.