The Bell

Rudge Lane


Parish News Archive - 2020

Parish Council News for September 2020

Rudge to get a Post Box:

In 1635 Charles I introduced a public mail service, finally in 2020 Rudge is to get a Post Box.

Ok to be fair it...

Parish Council News for August 2020

Your Parish Needs You!

Beckington Parish Council is involved in an ever-increasing number of projects and so requires more residents that want...



Despite losing their appeal to the planning inspector in July 2018 to build 28 houses, Redrow...

June 2020 News from the Parish Council:

Parish Council holds it first formal remote meeting:

Beckington Parish Council held its first formal remote meeting. While members of the council...

Webbs Mead Ditch:

Webbs Mead Ditch:

Following on from last moths report about this ditch, it has now been confirmed by the Senior Asset Maintenance Officer at...

Council Tax Increase:

Council Tax Increase:

As reported back in December, the Parish Council has taken on the extra service of a Parish Lengthsman, the Council has...

Safe Cycling:

Safe Cycling:

The Parish Council are still pursuing the idea of laying on a free safe cycling event of some description, also cyclists warning...

Webbs Mead Ditch:

Webbs Mead Ditch:

The Parish Lengthsman and his hard-working team were very busy in January and February clearing the dich that starts from...

Parish Council News for January 2020

Spring Bulbs Planted:

Two Members of the Parish Council have been very busy planting Spring bulbs, Councillors Winterbourne and Wright have...

Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites and Policies: Consultation on Proposed Main Modifications

This is to inform you that Mendip District Council is now inviting responses to Proposed Main Modifications to the Submission Draft of the Mendip Local Plan Part II. The Modifications schedule sets out additional policies, revisions to existing policies and additional development sites raised during the examination process.

The consultation will start on Tuesday 21st January and closes at 5pm Monday 2nd March 2020 and full details can be found at

The Main Modifications respond to changes advised by the Inspector in his Interim Note ED20 produced after the examination hearings. This is available on the Local Plan Part II examination page The Inspector has agreed these changes should now be published for public consultation.

The main consultation documents are:

· Proposed Main Modifications to the Pre-Submission Plan

· Second Addendum to Sustainability Appraisal - Jan 2020

· Addendum to the Habitat Regulations Assessment - Jan 2020

The schedule of Main Modifications include a limited number of minor modifications. These are open for comment but responses will not be considered by the Local Plan Inspector. The Council's Proposed Changes which were subject consultation in February 2019 before the Local Plan hearings do not form part of this Proposed Main Modifications.

There are a number of supporting and background documents including a ‘track change' version Local Plan Part II highlighting the Proposed Main Modifications.

There are not public events associated with this consultation, but a date for parish councillor training is being organised in late January/ February. I will send a further update when this is finalised.

Availability of Consultation Documents

The consultation documents and response forms can be viewed or downloaded from planning policy pages of the Mendip website at

Printed copies can also b inspected at the Council Offices in Shepton Mallet. Consultation documents and the track change plan can also be viewed at Council Access Points in Frome, Wells, Street and Glastonbury (for details of locations and opening times go to

Responding to the Consultation

To assist the Inspector, responses should ideally be made on the attached response form.

All responses should be returned by 5pm Monday 2nd March. However, please contact the policy team if need to submit a late response

By post to:

Planning Policy, Mendip District Council, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5BT

By email to:

By hand to:

The Council offices in Shepton Mallet (address above).

At the close of the period for consultation, the responses made will be passed to the independent Planning Inspector for his consideration. Exceptionally, the Inspector may consider further hearings may be necessary. At the end of the examination process the Inspector will present his final conclusions in a report. It is expected then that the Council will adopt Local Plan Part II.

Further Information

For further information or advice, please contact the Planning Policy Team by email at or by telephone on (0300) 303 8588.

Yours faithfully

Andre Sestini

Principal Planning Policy Officer



Mendip District Council Local Plan 2. Response to consultation on proposed Main Modificationas following Planning Inspectors recommendations.

Click on this link to view the documents I think are relevant to Beckingtons response to the proposed MDC LP2 Main Modifications.!AjrWoP1EHBAMgZdW2SFFwDs3Q7OnZA?e=7cbu63

The folder contains:

1. The Planning Inspectors findings and recommendations

2. MDC's proposed response to the Inspectors findings - the Main Modifications

3. The Appeal Decision regarding an application to build on land adjacent to Great Dunns Close (Redrow development)

4. Initial thoughts and relevant paragraphs from these three documents.

Cllr Roland Kelly


Parish News Archive - 2020

Parish Council News for September 2020

Rudge to get a Post Box:

In 1635 Charles I introduced a public mail service, finally in 2020 Rudge is to get a Post Box.

Ok to be fair it...

Parish Council News for August 2020

Your Parish Needs You!

Beckington Parish Council is involved in an ever-increasing number of projects and so requires more residents that want...



Despite losing their appeal to the planning inspector in July 2018 to build 28 houses, Redrow...

June 2020 News from the Parish Council:

Parish Council holds it first formal remote meeting:

Beckington Parish Council held its first formal remote meeting. While members of the council...

Webbs Mead Ditch:

Webbs Mead Ditch:

Following on from last moths report about this ditch, it has now been confirmed by the Senior Asset Maintenance Officer at...

Council Tax Increase:

Council Tax Increase:

As reported back in December, the Parish Council has taken on the extra service of a Parish Lengthsman, the Council has...

Safe Cycling:

Safe Cycling:

The Parish Council are still pursuing the idea of laying on a free safe cycling event of some description, also cyclists warning...

Webbs Mead Ditch:

Webbs Mead Ditch:

The Parish Lengthsman and his hard-working team were very busy in January and February clearing the dich that starts from...

Parish Council News for January 2020

Spring Bulbs Planted:

Two Members of the Parish Council have been very busy planting Spring bulbs, Councillors Winterbourne and Wright have...